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A legfrissebb közlemények, hírek és médiával kapcsolatos tartalmak 

11. Május 2022.

WSC Route: Exhibition in Szeged!

Manci Bäck, Judit Kárász, Nana Kukovetz, Vera Vass, Ágota Fischhof. Two painters, two photographers and a muse. Five ladies who, with their personality and brilliant talent, added to the spiritual prosperity of Szeged at the turn of the century. Five ladies who, for different reasons and partly because of their femininity, were not able to fully unfold their promising oeuvre.
WSC Route project proudly announces this important exhibition in REÖK palace. The exibition in which, in addition to the works they made for them, we recall their art, life and personality with an exciting short film.

The exhibition is openned from 7th of May untill the 12th of June 2022. More information could be found here:

Egyéb hírek

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